

Morning Prayer, Mon / Wed / Fri, 8-8:15 AM

Jesus said When you pray, say ‘Our Father.’ So when we come before God in prayer we come before a loving Father: we hear the Father’s voice and we feel the Father’s presence. At St Saviour’s we come together three times a week for Morning Prayer. We find these times to be a beautiful way to frame the day.

Prayer Journal

We’ve created a simple prayer journal template to help you keep a daily rhythm of prayer, and to track your prayers from when you first start praying for something until your prayer is answered (recognising prayer is often much less linear than this!). Take a look at the link below.

Prayer Room

If you’re part of the family at St Saviour’s, we’d love to invite you into a deeper, more intimate time of prayer in the Prayer Room. It’s a simple space in the Barn, where you can pray and worship at the heart of St Saviour’s and the parish. To book a time slot you must be over the age of 18 and serving on a team to ensure there’s someone present who has undertaken safeguarding training.