


Join the team

Ordinand Placements

We’re always interested in meeting people exploring ordination and looking for placements in central London. If you’d like to discuss this further please get in touch for an initial conversation.

Join the Planting Team

St Saviour's is excited to announce a new plant into Christ Church West Green, launching this July. Under the oversight of Rev Matt Seymour, Chris Brees will be sent with a team to bring fresh vision for a new chapter, pursuing God's heart for the church and local area.

The three vacancies below will form the initial staff team. If you are excited to help pioneer this revitalisation and to participate in what God is doing in West Green, please apply. All the information and Job Descriptions can be found below, and get in touch if you’d like any more information.

Closing date for applications: Friday 7th March. Applications for multiple roles to create a full-time post will also be accepted.

To Apply for a Post
Please send a covering letter to introduce yourself and tell us why you’d be great for the role, and an up-to-date CV (including details of two referees - one personal, one professional) via the form below.